Tag Archives: alts

Level 97-100 in 9 minutes

5 Oct

I forgot to post this on my site from more than a week ago, but I used the Elixir of the Rapid Mind in a much more efficient way than my first try. I leveled my shadow priest from 97-100 in 9 minutes. Of course, you have to set this up by completing all but one piece of more than several bonus objectives.

Episode 66: Level Every 15 Minutes in WoW

17 Sep

The video above is related to the content below, but for the short audio segment, you can download it here, or stream it below:

I have too many alts! So many, I don’t think I’ll get them all up to level 100 by the time Legion drops. But, I’ve discovered a great, but very expensive way to seriously boost your leveling speed.

It’s called the “Elixir of the Rapid Mind,” and it is an award from one of the weekly rare garrison missions. What it does is increase experience gain by 300% for 15 min. However, this elixir is not soulbound and can be sold on the auction house…wheeere.. you’ll find it for thousands of gold. I’ve bought three of them so far for 4,500 a pop, which is about the market average.

I’m not a wow millionaire, but I did buy three of them to see what it would do, in concert with my 20% potion of accelerated learning and 45% from heirlooms. Of course, all at rested XP!

In my three tests, I earned between 3 and 4 million xp per hour, which is about a level every 15 minutes. My latest test was with looting treasures in FrostFire Ridge, with flying, of course, and I did record this session for you all to view on YouTube.

Hm..I still have 73 levels to gain across 9 toons to get them all to 100. That’d be 73 potions, or more than 300,000 gold. Welp, this will be short-lived, but fun!


Epic Diapers 65: Flying in Draenor

9 Sep
That's me and my shiny new Skyterror mount FLYING OVER DRAENOR!

That’s me and my shiny new Skyterror mount FLYING OVER DRAENOR!

You can download the segment here, or stream it below!

In the recent patch 6.2.2, Blizzard introduced a modification to the achievement “Draenor Pathfinder” that not only gives you a new mount, the Soaring Skyterror, but also gives you the ability to fly in Draenor. It’s really not too tough to get it, and if you’ve had a level 100 character for a while, you probably have quite a bit of this achievement. You’ll need to explore all 6 zones in Draenor, earn the “Loremaster of Draenor” achievement, loot 100 treasures in Draenor (excluding Tanaan jungle), complete the 12 assault bonus objectives in Dreanor, and raise 3 of the new Tanaan reputations to revered. You can check your progress by entering your realm and toon name at wowhead.com/flying. Also the addons Handy Notes and Draenor treasures will guide you to your remaining undiscovered treasures.

Of course, your grizzled veteran level 100 toon may not benefit too much from flying, other than being able to easily drop in on treasures and quests in Draenor, but all of your alts also get the ability to fly! In fact, I just used my level 91 priest to zip around from quest to quest in the air, and in a straight line, avoiding mobs and obstacles. Let me tell you, it is amazing how much faster leveling is!

You can follow me on Twitter @EpicDiapers and check out all of the links I mentioned in my show notes at epicdiapers.com

Epic Diapers #64: Heirlooms Shmeirlooms

28 May
Not sexy gear, but who gives a rat's ass when it boots you by 50%!?

Not sexy gear, but who gives a rat’s ass when it boots you by 50%!?

Download the audio segment here, or stream it below!

It’s been a while since I’ve had a segment, but hey, kids, research expeditions and other events have kept me away from the game for a bit. However, I’m back in and committed to getting all 11 classes to level 100. How, do you ask? With heirlooms, of course! You can upgrade all heirlooms to level 100 now, and if you plan out carefully, you can maximize your leveling efficiency. First of all, cloth heirlooms not only work on locks, mages and priests, but I also use them on my boomkin and elemental shaman. That’s 5 classes! It’ll cost you 2,000 gold for each of the 5 armor upgrades, not including the pirate’s ring, but that’s 10,000 gold to get you a 45% boost to experience gain on 5 toons from 90-100. You can also spend another 5k on the heirloom staff, but that’s up to you. I personally did it so as to not have to worry about a weapon upgrade as I leveled. Of course, if you can purchase or make a 630 weapon, go ahead and do so.

At level 91, you can also purchase a 20% leveling buff potion, making your total experience gain around 65%! With the pirate ring, it’s 70%! If you craft a few 630 pieces, you’ll be a one toon wrecking crew, sailing your way to 100. The question is, what’s worth more to you? Virtual gold or your time? I’d say time, especially since you can use some of your saved time to make back some of the coin you spent on the heirlooms in the first place.

Now I’m off to get my lock, mage and priest to 100 in style!

Follow me on Twitter @epicdiapers!

Epic Diapers #63: Everything Heirloom is Awesome!

11 Mar
My level 90 warrior decked out in glorious golden heirlooms. Yes, he's fashion conscious.

My level 90 warrior decked out in glorious golden heirlooms. Yes, he’s fashion conscious.

Download the segment here, or

Stream the segment below!

Heirlooms have always been awesome, but now, they’re even more awesome. After Blizzard made heirlooms accessible via a tab throughout all your characters, and that you can boost them to carry you to level 100, it offers a great avenue to level your alts all the way to raiding with an efficient route.

Personally, I have used my heirlooms to get every class to at least level 90. Now, I’ve upgraded my cloth heirlooms to take my mage, priest, druid and shaman to level 100. Yes, you can use cloth heirlooms on druids and shaman that go pew pew, since you take little damage. If you combine the 45% leveling experience boost with the 20% garrison potion that’s available at level 91, the grind to 100 is more than 50% faster than my first two toons that I took to level 100.

So, plan out your toons by heirloom type, and if you have the gold, upgrade those pieces to get all of your alts to 100. Because, who doesn’t want to run missions and dailies through 11 different classes every day?



Epic Diapers #62: “That Potion Makes You Buff”

5 Feb
My level 91 lock in his tailoring emporium, putting in orders and crafting ilevel 640 equipment.

My level 91 lock in his tailoring emporium, putting in orders and crafting ilevel 640 equipment.

Download the segment here, or:

Stream it below!


If you’re an altoholic like me, or you plan on leveling several toons to 100, I’ve got a few tips for you that can make your overall leveling process faster, and  a way to manufacture more materials and gear for all of your toons.

If you have several toons at level 90 gathering dust, may I suggest leveling each one of them until they establish their garrison. Typically, this takes only an hour or so to do, but once that garrison is built, resources start accumulating at about 500 every 3 ½ days. Now, you can simply log in every 3 days to collect your resources, and when you’re ready to take that toon to 100, you’ll be swimming in resources which will enable you to send more followers on missions, construct buildings faster, and even buy that 20% experience buff potion from your garrison innkeeper to save hours of leveling.

If you have an extra hour or two to spend with each alt that has established their garrison, may I recommend that you select a crafting profession and complete that initial questline in frostfire ridge to get the level 1 blueprint. Now, you can build your tailoring emporium, forge, or whatever you need mats for. My level 91 warlock has already created enough hexweave cloth for a level 640 chest, and I plan on creating the legs and helm to wear to make his eventual leveling process even faster. My lock also has 4 followers, all at level 100. Often the player experience quests come up, and I’ve gained almost a full level on my lock by just completing those missions with the experience potion buff active.

Epic Diapers #61: “Filthy Casual Followers”

22 Jan
All 25 of my followers are level 645 or higher now. What to do with all the 615 gear?

All 25 of my followers are level 645 or higher now. What to do with all the 615 gear?

Download the segment here, or

Stream it below!


I am a filthy casual player, yet I have 23 followers over ilevel 645, and the other two are at 630, and all 25 are epic. Yet, I continually hear from players that are frustrated about their low chances at higher level missions such as the Highmaul raid for ilevel 655 gear because of few followers at level 645 and the rest are barely off the mat from 600.

Look, I log in only once or twice a day to do missions management, but aside from the addons of Garrison Mission Manager and Master Plan as a great aid, I am obtaining virtually all of my follower enhancements from big crates of salvage and the War Mill. If follower levels are important to you, you need to put in a salvage yard and war mill and upgrade them to level 3. For every level 100 mission you complete, you get a big crate of salvage, and the war mill processes garrison resources for metal scraps and follower enhancement items. In patch 6.1, you will also be able to access a daily quest to trade in your iron horde scraps, or the alliance equivalent, for follower equipment. I do raid Highmaul with my raid team, yet I have some great gear from missions that I can easily complete due to my army of high level epic followers.

Epic Diapers #56 – Patch Your Enthusiasm!

16 Oct

It’s live. Go there! Now! oh wait, after you listen and read my stuff…

Download the audio segment here, or stream it below!

[audio https://archive.org/download/EpicDiapers56/EpicDiapers_56.mp3]


Hey, I tried to get all 11 toons to level 90, but I’ve petered out at 7, with another 4 lost in limbo between levels 85 and 88. I just couldn’t find the excuse to carve out time to play a game that had grown a little long in the tooth.

However, that’s all changed as of last Tuesday, when patch 6.0.2 dropped on us weary virtual Azerothians. There are so many new and shiny things about this patch, including you! With higher fidelity character models, humans look less porn-starrish, the tauren are hairier, and the undead look more grotesque, yet still human. Sorry blood elves, you’ll have to wait for your facelift.

Our stats have changed and everything has been squished, so no more crits for 800,000. And gems are like +5 strength. It’s a little awkward at first, but eventually you burn everything down as quickly as before.

But, what I did first was take my Death knight through the short series of quests as part of the event leading up to the release of Warlords next month. It only took me about 30 minutes, and I upgraded a few slots with quest rewards.

There’s also a short-time level 90 version of Upper Black Rock Spire that you can queue for at obtain ilevel 550 gear. However, you have to have a minimum ilevel of 510, so be sure to upgrade your gear if necessary.

You can follow me @epicdiapers or check out all of my segments and show notes at epicdiapers.com

Epic Diapers #54 – Legendaries, now TWICE as fast!

18 Jun

Which one is the black prince, and which one is me?

Click below for the audio segment:

Blizzard has a special buff running from June 17 through 30. It’s called, “The Gaze of the Black Prince.” No, he doesn’t have a thing for you, but he will think you’re more awesome for these two weeks! Blizzard is trying to make the grind for the legendary cloak a bit easier for many of us, which it will. I’m not really trying to complain here, but there is a sticking point that I can see many players having. Since this was announced right before it went live, you can’t blame those who have their mains or alts sitting at the “Test of Valor” quest part of the chain. Unfortunately for those stuck there, you need 3,000 valor points to reach the next step in the quest chain. Well, since you can only earn 1,000 valor points a week, unless you have more than 2,000 valor points, you will completely miss this buff. And furthermore, with 6 months left in Mists of Pandaria, why isn’t Blizzard just making this buff permanent? Yes, there are many of you that earned your cloak when you walked uphill both ways in the snow, but for God’s sake, it’s June! Maybe us procrastinators need a little more incentive than a 2 week buff.

Anyway, you can find my blog at EpicDiapers.com and you can follow me @ epicdiapers. I was also a recent guest on This Week in Science with Dr. Kiki, so if you’re interested in deep sea science, please check out their podcast number 468 from June 12. (or watch the YouTube below!)



Epic Diapers 52: Do What You Want

14 May

Don’t let them put baby in the corner, that is, if baby is you.

[audio https://archive.org/download/EpicDiapers52/EpicDiapers_52.mp3]

Click above to play the audio segment!

Hey y’all, back with another segment of Epic Diapers, in my new recording studio! I can’t wait to decorate and produce more content, including more podcasts and youtube videos. Keep in touch for those projects.

So, with the doldrums of the end of mists of pandaria, many of you probably aren’t playing much world of warcraft. Well, I’m one of those, especially since we just moved and my current assignment is to defeat the boss that is the council of moving boxes. Of course, my wife is the general, and I answer to her. Although I still have a goal of getting all 11 classes to level 90 before Warlords of Draneor drops, I need to pick it up. Whatever your goal is, try and stick with it, whether it be playing with your new boosted 90, gathering legendaries or transmog gear, or perhaps, you want to be that guy who gets all of the achievement points that are possible. I’d rather empty boxes than get those points, but who am I to say? Do what you want, be yourself, and if that includes playing Hearthston, Heroes of the Storm, or hey, I don’t know, spend time with your family and friends, do what you gotta do. I won’t call you a noob.

You can follow me @epicdiapers and check out my blog at EpicDiapers.com. you can also listen to me and Willie Dills Gregory talk San Francisco Giants baseball at TortureCast.com and for you parents out there, check out the podcast I do with my wife, and she’s the talker, at kidsarehard.com.