Tag Archives: vlog

One-Week-Old Vegan

1 Nov

Welp, if you’ve been following me on Twitter, I’ve embarked on a 28-day vegan journey to see what can truly happen to my health, including weight loss and a reduction in blood pressure and cholesterol. Almost 7 days in and I’m down to 197 pounds from 203! To follow my journey, head on over to http://chadaptation.blogspot.com/ for updates via blog and vlog form.

You can also see my first video entry below, as I started this program with a visit to the doctor.

Onto week 2! (oh yeah, today is “National Vegan Day” by the way. I had no idea until now)

Vlog #2: My daughter is a ham, and go 49ers!

22 Jan

Vlog #2…my daughter loves this stuff

Vlog #1: Sick Kid

9 Jan

I was half-way to work today when I got the call that my son was sick. There goes the day. Had to cancel everything and pick him up. So, I tried to make something productive out of it. Here’s the quick and dirty result: a horribly produced and on they fly vlog short.